Tag: Age 8-9 (page 1 of 2)

Following the Stars to Freedom – Part One

There was once a young girl who dreamed … During the daytime – she spent her time stitching, learning to make the beautiful beaded necklaces, vests and shoes, that her people made and traded across the land. And then at night, she was so tired that she fell into a deep and dreamless sleep. As she grew up, her skill for beading became admired by all. And then, one night she dreamed. And in her dream, she saw a star-lit path leading away from her people.

The Weaving Maiden

Long ago, the Father of the Sky still lived with the Gods and Goddesses in the Heavens. And he ruled both the Earth and the Sky, with power over all people, both mortal and immortal. The Father of the Sky had just one child, a daughter. And her task was to weave the fabric of the Sky into life both day and night.

How Coyote Discovered the Sun

Long ago, when the world was young, there was no Sun in the Sky and the world was always grey and cold. The animals got together to discuss what they could do to bring warmth and light to their world. They talked and they talked and they talked – but no-one came up with an idea until ….

The Storytelling Stone

Imagine … That you are in the land of the Prairie, where the tall grass reaches towards the sky, and the grass shines golden in the Sun. And the prairie stretches for mile upon mile across the land we now call America.

How Coyote made the Stars

In the beginning, when the world was created, before the humans came,
There was the Earth spinning in the Sky, blue and green and perfect.
All the birds and animals lived together in peace and harmony. Everything was perfect! But … The Sun provided light, each and every day, for the day-time animals and they had enough light to see and live by, to find enough food, water and shelter. But … At night it was a different story.

Sharing the Sky

Long ago, in the Prairies of America, where the tall, tall grass stretches as far as the eye can see …
There was once, a young man who went walking at night, following the light of the stars. There was no cloud in the sky, and as he walked he looked up and marvelled to see the sky shimmering from blue to black and the stars so silver and bright.
“This” he said to himself, “is a special night.”

The Man With the Moon

Long ago, when the world began, the Moon had only one face, it was always round and full. And the Moon’s mask was carried across the sky, by a young man, who’s face was as round and full and pale as the mask of the Moon that he carried. And at first, the young man was proud to carry the Moon-mask, to light up the sky at night. But as he carried the mask across the sky, all night, every night, night after night, he grew lonely.

A Visitor from Heaven

Long ago, in the island of Sri Lanka… There was a rich man who owned, almost all the land that is now called Sri Lanka. And he parcelled out the land into small pieces which he rented to the villagers around the island. And in return for the land, they paid him rent. And these villagers scraped a very poor living off the land. There was just enough land, to grow just enough food, to feed their family and pay their rent.

Why the Moon is Free

The Sun and Moon light up our skies. The Sun’s golden rays fill the sky from dawn to dusk and then as the Sun begins to set, the Moon rises and takes his place, filling the sky with her silver light.  Every night as the Sun slides from the sky, he would look across at the Moon and sigh.  For you see, the poor Sun was lonely, up there in the sky. The Moon has stars to talk to, but who does the Sun have? No-one.

Which is Stronger – Summer Sun or Winter Wind?

One day, Summer Sun and Winter Wind were having an argument. “I am the strongest” said Summer Sun “Because I can bring drought to the world and cause the plants and the people to die.” “Oh no you are not!” said Winter Wind “I am the strongest because I bring gales and storms and floods and devastation wherever I go.” “Oh yes I am!” said Summer Sun, “I am stronger than you! People fear me far more than they do you!”

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